NAACP2.COM website was created by our founder, an "Old White Man", to give our members an opportunity to express their frustrations and anger regarding the media and our local and national governments' racial discrimination against you, your family, and all white people. They are creating and encouraging discourse and radical racism by their actions.
The website is already labeled by some organizations and groups as RACIST before we have even made a statement . . . but "BLACK LIVES MATTER" and their conniving COMMUNIST methods of fundraising by threats of violence and financial blackmail of businesses is justified?????
White people are labeled RACIST by this radical racist group, "BLACK LIVES MATTER", because we are born white!!!!!!!
If you are still a part of the "Silent Majority" it is time to pull your head out of your ass before it is too late!!!! Soon you will be the "Silent White Minority".
TAKE ACTION NOW, before the communist, socialist, liberals and raciest black activist have complete control of our beloved country and ruin your life and family!!
Vote in local and national elections for true conservatives and patriots who have the best interest of the United States of America in their heart, and not greedy bastards seeking personal power and wealth!!!
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